The Skinny on Sweet Potatoes

I totally believe that food can be used as medicine.  For every dis-ease, there is a natural remedy or food to help with it.  Today I want to talk a bit about healthy alternatives to white potatoes and other high glycemic carbs.  


Sweet potatoes are incredibly filling and good for you.  There are many different ways to prepare them,  including baking, roasting, fries, and mashed.  They are available year-round and are loaded with goodies. 

They’re loaded with vitamins A and C, and also pack a punch when it comes to potassium, fiber and several B vitamins. In addition, sweet potatoes contain a number of antioxidants, including a high concentration of beta-carotene. 

Collectively, these nutrients boost immunity, serve as anti-inflammatory agents, reduce the risk of digestive problems and help to regulate blood sugar, among other benefits.

Make sure to put sweet potatoes on your grocery list.  You can substitute them for your white potatoes in any way that you would normally prepare white potatoes.  Not only will you have a tasty meal, but you'll be contributing to your overall health and wellness.