Simple, Relaxing Detox

Here's an awesome and simple recipe for self-care, pampering and detox.  It draws from the wisdom of aromatherapy, natural medicine, and ayurveda.  It's fun to make and has numerous benefits.  Combine a scoopful of epsom salts in a small dish and moisten it with sesame oil.  Add a few drops of aromatherapy oils like citrus in the morning or lavender in the evening.  Fill your tub with warm water and stand in the tub as you massage your scrub all over your body.  The magnesium in the epsom salts helps with swelling and detoxification.  The sesame oil is a wonderful oil used in ayurveda for nourishment and detoxification.  After you are finished with a vigorous massage which also helps to stimulate the lymphatic system and the nervous system, sit in the tub and relax.  Not only will your skin feel amazing, but you have taken steps to assist your body in releasing any toxins stored there.  Be playful and experiment with different oils and salts.  Remember, life is meant to be pleasurable and fun!!  

You can find all of the ingredients for your easy DIY detox right on Amazon.  Here are some that I enjoy:


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