What I'm Personally Doing to Prevent Covid Infection!!!

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I've been getting questions from many of you about what I am doing specifically during the pandemic...specifically what am I using or doing in my daily health care routine and why?  I think it's an excellent question!  If anything, I would love to help you alleviate the "fear" around Covid...or any other virus or bacteria out there Let's be frank...your immune system is designed to encounter viruses and bacteria and toxins in your environment...and it's designed to deal with them powerfully!!  There's not much that can get through a defense system like a well-tuned immune system.

We are not meant to live inside a bubble.  On the contrary, usually your immune system becomes stronger with the increase in pathogens it is exposed to.  This is why I love to see kids (and adults) playing in the dirt!  There are some things you can do to empower yourself and your health and I really want to share those with you.

  1. So, the first thing I do when I wake up is having a LARGE glass of water with my morning supplements, which include adrenal support (to support my stress response), and medicinal mushrooms. After the overnight “fast” I want to hydrate and replenish my cells. In general, I aim to get in 1/2 my body weight in ounces per day of clean water.

  2. I then proceed to make my blended green juice for the day. If you are interested in how I make this, you can check out the article HERE. It consists of immune boosting and detoxifying greens, lemon, celery, ginger, and mint. I usually end up with 2 big jars of this and I will drink 1 of them daily…my honey drinks the other :-).

  3. I practice intermittent fasting. The practice of intermittent fasting has been studied for some time now, and the benefits for chronic disease, metabolism, and aging are incredible. I do at least a 16 hour fasting period from about 7pm-12noon. I then have my largest meal, consisting of protein and veggies at noon, and usually will have a lighter snack…or dessert…in the evening. Now, the one caveat to this practice would be for those who have Type2 diabetes or sugar instability. In this case, I would recommend you eat your largest meal within an hour of waking up, have a decent lunch, and then adjust your fast towards the end of the day. If you need a bedtime snack, go for one with protein and healthy fat…such as a TBSP or 2 of nut butter.I also take my multivitamin with my meals, a digestive enzyme with each meal (to help break down my food and help prevent leaky gut)…as well as my probiotic with the evening snack due to the optimal timing of probiotics and stomach acid…more on that in another post! The multivitamin provides the micronutrients and minerals my body requires, including zinc which is crucial for fighting infections. The probiotics help to replenish my gut with bug, virus, and toxin fighting good bacteria as well as plug in any gaps in the gut.

  4. In terms of body movement, I do a number of things. Body movement is effective against infection as it increases circulation and lymph flow. In the morning, when I get up, I do stretches and yoga sun salutations. Throughout the day, as I’m working, I will get up every hour to move around, stretch, or do a few jumping jacks. I go outside every single day regardless of the weather to get some fresh air and sunshine. On some days, I’ll do a hike and on others, I may walk or jog. I currently am using my indoor cycle as I read empowering material for 30-60 minutes on the days I don’t hike or walk. The key is finding something that works for you!!

  5. At bedtime, I take a number of supplements after my evening bath (with essential oils of lavender, chamomile, or other relaxing blends). I take my Vitamin D, Fish oil/CBD combo and glycine for sleep (and brain replenishment). I try to get in bed by 9-10pm so that I get a full 8 hours of sleep, which helps to replenish my body, brain, allow the melatonin to heal things, and reverse any damage done.

  6. My secret weapon!! I always keep a bottle of oregano oil in my cabinet. I call oil of oregano my natural “antibiotic” but it also is a powerful anti-viral and anti-fungal agent as well as being anti-bacterial. At the first sign of a cold or sore throat…or if I’m going to be around children or previously when traveling, I will take it for a few days. It’s one of the reasons why I never get sick anymore. If I do have a little something starting, it’s usually gone in a day or two.

Okay, now you have an idea about what I’m doing to stay in tip-top shape and not worry so much about Covid..or anything else! I’ll be continuing this discussion in future posts as this is REALLY important right now. Plus, it is actually quite simple to be..and stay…healthy with the right tools and commitment! Drop your questions or comments below.. I’d love to hear from you!!


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