Protect Your Immunity and Give It A Boost!!

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Now that quarantine restrictions are relaxing, it’s even MORE important to make sure that our immune system is in tip-top shape. We’ve all been cooped up inside, not receiving the advantage of natural immune system boosting that we normal get by being around people, and being exposed to dirt and germs. Yep, exposure to the normal “germs” of life helps to keep your immune system alert and ready and primed.

In addition, we are using much larger amounts of cleaners and hand sanitizers which are great to viruses and bacteria, but again, over time, may prove to create weaker immune systems.

As I mentioned before, keeping your body healthy with the right nutrients and minerals and foods is one of the BEST things you can do to maintain and prime your immune system. Most people who are affected by viruses and bacteria have other health problems in general. The healthier you can be, the stronger your immune system, and the better you feel overall.

I’ve touted the benefits of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and zinc. These are basic and non-negotiable right now. But there are LOTS of others that help to keep your immune system, not to mention your entire body, in tip top shape. These same nutrients also help to heal your hormones, detox your organs, and help you to “feel” good!

You can certainly find the individual supplements and take them in individual doses, OR you can check out this wonderful supplement packet that combines everything you need in one convenient dosing pack. This is what I’m currently using and what I’ll continue to use daily for at least the next few months. I had been taking everything piecemeal until I tried this. It contains everything you need for healthy cells as well as repairing your gut, so this is great if you are suffering from any autoimmune issues as well! You can check it out HERE!!

Above everything, continue to practice great hygiene, get outside (even if it’s in your own yard) and get some fresh air and sun, and make sure to address your stress…might I suggest a nature “fix?!”

Take care and Be Safe!!

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