5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System (I do #3 Daily

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Our immune system is the first line of defense for viruses, bacteria and toxins from the outside world.  Believe it or not, most of the toxins within our bodies are a result of what we put into our mouths.  The good news is...you can powerfully boost your immune system the same way!! Want to learn some easy ways to boost your immune system? 

  1. Eat Immune Boosting Foods!! This would be my TOP recommendation. You can heal your immune system, your gut, and your brain with the things that enter your mouth. See if you can swap some sugar and processed foods and instead add in a serving of the leafy green and/or cruciferous vegetables. These are the powerhouses for building up your immune system! You might try a stir-fry or roast of broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, or asparagus for starters! Need a good source for inexpensive, all organic vegetables delivered right to your door? Click HERE to learn what I use…plus get a discounted box!

  2. Get some Sleep!! If you are not sleeping, I guarantee you are aging, and not repairing. We need deep restorative sleep to reverse any damage that has been done to the brain and body. This is the time when all of our hormones are being reset and repaired as well. If you aren’t getting good sleep, first look at what’s going into your mouth…and then check out tip #4! When all else fails, try a natural supplement to snap you out of insomnia. Here’s one to try!

  3. Get outside and get some extra Vitamin D!! Vitamin D is actually a hormone that is required for MANY functions in the body, including anti-aging, metabolism, mood, memory, and anti-cancer! Many of our other nutrients require Vitamin D to function as well. Getting out in nature and soaking in 10-15 minutes of sun will do wonders for your body and mind. This is something I do every single day, regardless of the weather! :-). Also ask your doctor to check your Vitamin D levels. You want your results to be at least 50-70 ng/ml. Covid observations are finding less severe disease in people who have levels at least levels greater than 30 ng/ml…which is still quite low and doesn’t get you all the other juicy Vitamin D benefits. If you do need to supplement, I suggest trying a liquid Vitamin D, especially if you have issues with your gut. Here’s one to try.

  4. Address the STRESS!! I strongly believe the number #1 destroyer of our immune systems is stress. In the short term, stress can get you in the zone, help you fight off the lion, or ace the test. However, it’s not meant to be activated 24/7, the way it is for most people. Our modern day “lions” are jobs, kids, and spouses laced with worry, anxiety, and grief. You are either in “fight or flight”. OR “rest and digest and heal” and you can’t be in both at the same time! This is one of the KEY components we address in my programs, because you’ll never be 100% if you don’t live in a “zen” zone. The key here is to find something that works for you and do it daily. It might be dancing (which actually helps with body movement and the immune system in other ways), meditation, or doing a creative activity. If you’d like to pick up my adult mandala coloring book to help you get into your zen zone, you can check that out HERE.

  5. Remove Immuno-Suppressants! I bet you might not know about some of the things that damage your immune system on a daily basis. These things might be negatively impacting your immune system without you knowing it. First is food sensitivities. If you have a sensitivity to a food, even a healthy one, you will damage your gut, put yourself into fight or flight and potentially create autoimmunity just by eating it. Find out what food sensitivities you have HERE. Second is sugar. Processed sugar in any quantity physiologically damages the cells, triggers your stress hormones, and sets you up for fatigue and insulin resistance. Next is smoking and if you don’t know why among other things this is detrimental to your health…Well! Lastly for today, inactivity. Sitting for long periods of time may be just as damaging to your health and immune system as smoking. Get up every hour and move around a little bit. You can start slow, and work up to 30 minutes daily if you can.

I hope you feel empowered to start boosting YOUR immune system…starting TODAY!! Let me know which ones you do…and which ones pose a challenge for you!


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