Too Much Sugar = Increased Risk of Alzheimers... Here's Why


Did we need ONE more reason to give up the sugar?  Well, a recent study is demonstrating the effects of too much fructose on the development of Alzheimer's.  See, in the functional medicine world, we've seen the links already between stress, as well as sugar on dementia.  In fact, many of us call Alzheimer's Type 3 Diabetes for this very reason!!

You see, the inherent reason our bodies are having such a difficult time with sugar is that it wasn't designed to metabolize the amount we eat today.  Think about it! Our ancestors valued sugar as a rare "treat" and instead sweetened things with berries and certain herbs like cinnamon. Our bodies thrive when we are in a natural fat burning state...and that doesn't happen when there's too much sugar on board. 

What do I mean by sugar?  It's NOT just the white table sugar, but it also includes all of the processed foods, flours, breads and pastas that get converted into sugar as soon as you eat it.  This study in particular looked at fructose which is a type of natural sugar found in fruit, juices and honey. It showed that once your blood sugar levels stayed elevated for several hours, the brain starts to overproduce and metabolize fructose, which leads to neuron damage and decay.  The more your brain has to process sugar, the less energy it has to do other beneficial functions for you, like memory, sleep, and hormone optimization. Yikes!

So what to do about it?  Simple...NIX the sugar!  Does it seem hard to do?  If so, it's only because you have a literal physical addiction to sugar, you are using sugar and carbs to soothe yourself, OR you aren't sure what you can swap it with to keep eating yummy food! 

If you need help with any or ALL of these, then it's time to invest in yourself and join Total Body Reset.  By kicking these addictions to the curb, and resetting your metabolism, your liver, and your hormones...while eating yummy food and have the BEST chance of reversing disease and preventing future problems!!  If you need the support to finally make it happen, then come and join us!!

Your health is important and YOU are worth it!!