5 Foods to Fix Underlying Causes of Inflammation


Inflammation is by far one of the most common causes of arthritis, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disease, dementia, and cancer.  Acute inflammation may be beneficial if you have an acute injury but chronic inflammation only serves as a simmering fire eating away at your joints, bones, and tissues.  Chronic inflammation puts your body in a chronic state of "fight or flight" and that means your body is not actively repairing itself.

One of the ways you can start to repair the underlying inflammation in addition to figuring out exactly what is causing it...which is also important to do..is by eating foods that help to dampen that simmering "fire" of inflammation.  Here's a list of 5 foods you can add into your daily eating to help your body start to heal..

  1. Leafy green and cruciferous vegetables- alkalinizing and adds in sulfonated compounds to help your liver detox your body

  2. Grass fed meats- provides L-carnitine, CoQ10 and B-vitamins and much more that provide energy for your cells and mitochondria

  3. Wild-caught seafood- provides Omega-3 fatty acids that help to eliminate inflammation

  4. Pasture Raised Eggs- provides vitamins, minerals, choline, protein and other beneficial inflammation fighters

  5. Bone Broth- provides collagen, protein, Vitamins and minerals to help repair the gut and fight inflammation

If you are vegetarian or vegan, I definitely suggest supplementing with a good quality medical grade supplement and adding in more vegetables than carbs in the eating plan.

If you've been suffering from ANY health challenges AT ALL, I guarantee that one of the influencing factors is underlying inflammation. The good thing about this is that the underlying "root" cause of the inflammation can be found...and then healed!! 

Please reach out if you have questions or comments about this and in the meantime, eat a whole food based, clean diet full of vegetables and healthy protein.

Much love!!